Silk Road forums
Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: Heyenezz on February 13, 2012, 04:37 am
How can I make some easy money for SR? I already work full time.
I tried plasma donation but the center's so far that transportation is difficult.
Thanks for any help!
Well if you got the right hardware you could do some bitcoin mining for yourself or join a pool.
Sell drugs?
I'd also be interested in responses, other than "selling drugs". I'll stick to buying and consuming. ;D
My job gives me shitty hours, and it'd be awesome to make some extra cash somehow.
Tutoring is a good way of making extra cash if you are qualified in something or can play an instrument to a good standard. Don't know where you are in the world but in the UK charging £20 to 25 an hour for tutoring is about average and you generally do it in the evenings or weekends. I did it a couple of years ago and it added about £300 to my monthly income and did it as a cash job so no tax etc.
I pay for my weekly weed bill by day trading BTC but it means that some weeks I don't get to smoke. I make about £40 a week by trading on fairly predictable cycles without a great deal of effort.
Don't discount selling drugs altogether, you can make a reasonable amount by selling to a very small group of people. A small scrog grow on a 5-6 week cycle can net you a few hundred profit, as can a monotub mushroom grow- again at about a 5 week cycle. If you have a big garden and ignorant or liberal neighbours then an outdoor grow is incredibly easy and it's literally money for nothing. A friend sells fairly small amounts of MDMA (1/2 oz a week) which nets him about 240 profit per week.
Buy adderall dirt cheap from your friends, some people don't know what it's worth. So many people seem to have adhd it's not hard at all to find them. Just resell it at a 20% markup, and there ya go, tons of drug money. The only catch is that you risk getting butt-raped in prison, but who cares! ::)
Tutoring is a good way of making extra cash if you are qualified in something or can play an instrument to a good standard. Don't know where you are in the world but in the UK charging £20 to 25 an hour for tutoring is about average and you generally do it in the evenings or weekends. I did it a couple of years ago and it added about £300 to my monthly income and did it as a cash job so no tax etc.
I pay for my weekly weed bill by day trading BTC but it means that some weeks I don't get to smoke. I make about £40 a week by trading on fairly predictable cycles without a great deal of effort.
Don't discount selling drugs altogether, you can make a reasonable amount by selling to a very small group of people. A small scrog grow on a 5-6 week cycle can net you a few hundred profit, as can a monotub mushroom grow- again at about a 5 week cycle. If you have a big garden and ignorant or liberal neighbours then an outdoor grow is incredibly easy and it's literally money for nothing. A friend sells fairly small amounts of MDMA (1/2 oz a week) which nets him about 240 profit per week.
Ooh, I hadn't considered tutoring! I'll have to look into that. And, I might have to consider selling small amounts. I might be able to turn a profit from Tony's MDMA. At $50 a gram? I could sell 100 mg rolls for $10 and make a $50 profit. And then maybe start buying 5 grams if the profit is good enough. I'd love the provide a good service, as we don't have (m)any good sources for Molly here. And I could open a few eyes to the wonder of pure MDMA. ;D
Grow your own gold.
24 bucks for a package of Nirvana seeds, plus some dirt, nutes and a light.
good ideas guys keep posting on the subject....
I won't sell drugs. I'll stick to purchasing and consuming. Thanks for the advice though.
I was thinking of something along the lines of gigs, like working odd jobs.
Where do you think you are? These are the odd jobs..
if you have friends/ people you trust who deal already locally, you can always middle man between vendors on sr and them- either buying or selling.
usually the friend will give a percent of the profit to the person who sets up the deal. or make a 'drink' and add your own percent either way.
technically your not dealing and if you have friends who are involved enough you can make some good effortless money.
Where do you think you are? These are the odd jobs..
legit odd jobs
Not everything on SR has to be about drugs
How about teaching other people to use SR? That would be a job. Kind of hard to find the right students though...